Found 9 resources for the concept:
There is a fit between organisms and their environments, though not always a perfect fit. (LS4.C)
Battle of the Beaks
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Classroom activity
Time: Two class periods.
Students learn about adaptive advantage, based on beak function, by simulating birds competing for various foods.
Comic strip: Survival of the sneakiest
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- General
- Student
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Comic
Time: 10 minutes
This comic follows the efforts of a male cricket as he tries to attract a mate, and in the process, debunks common myths about what it means to be evolutionarily "fit."
Evidencias de la Evolución: La ciencia de la evolución
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Tutorial
Time: 30-40 minutes
La Supervivencia del más Astuto
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- General
- Student
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Comic
Time: 10 minutes
Este cómic nos habla de los esfuerzos de un grillo macho para atraer a una pareja. Y en el proceso, revela (destruye) algunos típicos malentendidos sobre lo que significa estar evolutivamente “adaptado”.
Lines of evidence: The science of evolution
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Tutorial
Time: 30-40 minutes
The theory of evolution is broadly accepted by scientists — and for good reason! Learn about the diverse and numerous lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution.
Semejanzas y diferencias: Comprendamos las homologías y evolución convergente (nivel secundaria)
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- General
- Student
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Online activity or lab
Time: 30 minutes
Esta investigación interactiva explica qué son las homologías, cómo reconocerlas y cómo es que evolucionan.
Similarities and differences: Understanding homology and convergent evolution
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Online activity or lab
Time: 30 minutes
This interactive investigation explains what homologies are, how to recognize them, and how convergent traits evolve.
The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaption
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- Student
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Resource type:
- Video
Time: 10 minutes
This 10-minute film describes the research of Dr. Michael Nachman and colleagues, whose work in the field and in the lab has documented and quantified physical and genetic evolutionary changes in rock pocket mouse populations.
The Making of the Fittest: The Birth and Death of Genes
Grade Level(s):
- 6-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- Student
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Resource type:
- Video
Time: 15-20 minutes
This 13-minute film describes how scientists have pieced together the evolutionary history of the Antarctic icefish by studying its genome – an excellent case study for genetic evolution as both the gain and loss of genes have led to key adaptations.