Found 3 resources for:
Evolución 101
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Article
¿Qué es la evolución y cómo funciona? Introducción a la evolución ofrece información detallada y práctica sobre los patrones y los mecanismos de la evolución.
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Mechanisms of evolution slide set
Grade Level(s):
- 13-16
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
Time: 2 minutes
This set of three PowerPoint slides featuring personal response questions (i.e., multiple choice questions that can be used with "clicker" technology) can be incorporated into lectures on the mechanisms of evolution in order to actively engage students in thinking about evolution.
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Natural selection and evolution of rock pocket mouse populations
Grade Level(s):
- 13-16
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Resource type:
- Classroom activity
Time: 50 minutes
This lesson serves as an extension to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute short film The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation. It provides an opportunity for students to analyze amino acid data and draw conclusions about the evolution of coat-color phenotypes in the rock pocket mouse.
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