Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
Resource type:
- Lab activity
Time: 4-5 class periods
In this lab activity, students examine authentic morphological and phylogenetic data of three fish families and then pose and test alternative hypotheses about the fishes' classification.

- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 9-12] An organism's features reflect its evolutionary history.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientific knowledge is open to question and revision as we come up with new ideas and discover new evidence. (P4, P6, NOS3)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] A hallmark of science is exposing ideas to testing. (P3, P4, P6, P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence. (P6, NOS2)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists use multiple research methods (experiments, observational research, comparative research, and modeling) to collect data. (P2, P3, P4, NOS1)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists may explore many different hypotheses to explain their observations. (P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Authentic scientific controversy and debate within the community contribute to scientific progress. (P7)
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Our knowledge of the evolution of living things is always being refined as we gather more evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Our understanding of life through time is based upon multiple lines of evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use the similarity of DNA nucleotide sequences to infer the relatedness of taxa. (LS4.A)
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use anatomical evidence to infer the relatedness of taxa. (LS4.A)
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use fossils (including sequences of fossils showing gradual change over time) to learn about past life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Classification is based on evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Evolutionary trees (i.e. phylogenies or cladograms) portray hypotheses about evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Evolutionary trees (e.g., phylogenies or cladograms) are built from multiple lines of evidence.
- Disciplinary Core Idea LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
- NOS Matrix understanding category 1. Scientific investigations use a variety of methods.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 2. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 3. Scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence.
- Science and Engineering Practice 2. Developing and using models
- Science and Engineering Practice 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
- Science and Engineering Practice 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Science and Engineering Practice 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
Though this is a multi-day lab, it is worth the investment in time as it engages students in the process of science while also reinforcing multiple evolutionary concepts.
Students should have a basic understanding of how to read and interpret phylogenetic trees.