Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- Filson, R.P.
Resource type:
- Lab activity
Time: Two full class periods
Students focus on the evolution of three species of lizards using real data sets — geographical and geological data, then morphology, and finally molecular data — to determine possible phylogenetic explanations.
- [History of life: Grades 9-12] Biological evolution accounts for diversity over long periods of time. (LS4.A, LS4.D)
- [History of life: Grades 13-16] Biological evolution accounts for diversity over long periods of time.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Traits that confer an advantage may persist in the population and are called adaptations. (LS4.B, LS4.C)
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Speciation is the splitting of one ancestral lineage into two or more descendant lineages.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Speciation is often the result of geographic isolation.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Occupying new environments can provide new selection pressures and new opportunities, leading to speciation. (LS4.C)
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Traits that confer an advantage may persist in the population and are called adaptations.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Speciation is the splitting of one ancestral lineage into two or more descendant lineages.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Speciation is often the result of geographic isolation.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Occupying new environments can provide new selection pressures and new opportunities, leading to speciation.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientific knowledge is open to question and revision as we come up with new ideas and discover new evidence. (P4, P6, NOS3)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence. (P6, NOS2)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists may explore many different hypotheses to explain their observations. (P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientific knowledge is open to question and revision as we come up with new ideas and discover new evidence.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists use multiple research methods (experiments, observational research, comparative research, and modeling) to collect data.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists may explore many different hypotheses to explain their observations.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Our knowledge of the evolution of living things is always being refined as we gather more evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Our understanding of life through time is based upon multiple lines of evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use the similarity of DNA nucleotide sequences to infer the relatedness of taxa. (LS4.A)
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use anatomical evidence to infer the relatedness of taxa. (LS4.A)
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use the geographic distribution of fossils and living things to learn about the history of life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Classification is based on evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Evolutionary trees (i.e. phylogenies or cladograms) portray hypotheses about evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Evolutionary trees (e.g., phylogenies or cladograms) are built from multiple lines of evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Our knowledge of the evolution of living things is always being refined as we gather more evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Scientists use multiple lines of evidence (including morphological, developmental, and molecular evidence) to infer the relatedness of taxa.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Scientists use the geographic distribution of fossils and living things to learn about the history of life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Classification is based on evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Evolutionary trees (i.e., phylogenies or cladograms) portray hypotheses about evolutionary relationships.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Evolutionary trees (i.e., phylogenies or cladograms) are built from multiple lines of evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Evolutionary trees can be used to make inferences and predictions.
- Disciplinary Core Idea LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity
- Disciplinary Core Idea LS4.B: Natural Selection
- Disciplinary Core Idea LS4.C: Adaptation
- Disciplinary Core Idea LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans
- NOS Matrix understanding category 2. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 3. Scientific knowledge is open to revision in light of new evidence.
- Science and Engineering Practice 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
- Science and Engineering Practice 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Science and Engineering Practice 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
13-16 teaching tips:
Use this resource to relate evolutionary concepts to the topic of classification (or get more suggestions for incorporating evolution throughout your biology syllabus). Though developed for high school students, this activity works well at the undergraduate level.