Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- Advanced
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Classroom activity
Time: 1 hour
In this article (and the linked assignments and student readings), students examine and interpret data that Maydianne collected to help her figure out why redback spiders evolved a mating behavior in which the male spider is often killed by the female spider. Use the tabs at the bottom of the feature to find related videos, assignments, and lessons to build this example into a lesson sequence on sexual selection.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Fitness is reproductive success — the number of viable offspring produced by an individual in comparison to other individuals in a population/species.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 9-12] Fitness is often measured using proxies like mass, number of matings, and survival because it is difficult to measure reproductive success directly.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Sexual selection occurs when selection acts on characteristics that affect the ability of individuals to obtain mates.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Sexual selection can lead to physical and behavioral differences between the sexes.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] An individual's fitness (or relative fitness) is the contribution that individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to other individuals in the population.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] An organism's fitness depends on both its survival and its reproduction.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Fitness is often measured using proxies like mass, number of matings, and survival because it is difficult to measure reproductive success.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] A hallmark of science is exposing ideas to testing. (P3, P4, P6, P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists may explore many different hypotheses to explain their observations. (P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Science is a human endeavor. (NOS7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] A hallmark of science is exposing ideas to testing.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists may explore many different hypotheses to explain their observations.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Science is a human endeavor.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use experimental evidence to study evolutionary processes.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Scientists use experimental evidence to study evolutionary processes.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 7. Science is a human endeavor.
- Science and Engineering Practice 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
- Science and Engineering Practice 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Science and Engineering Practice 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
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