Found 4 resources for:
arms race
Biological warfare and the coevolutionary arms race
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- Advanced
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Article
Time: 45 minutes
The rough-skinned newt looks harmless enough but is, in fact, packed full of one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man. Find out how an evolutionary arms race has pushed these mild-mannered critters to the extremes of toxicity and how evolutionary biologists have unraveled their fascinating story.
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Evo in the News: When fighting leukemia, evolutionary history matters
Grade Level(s):
- 13-16
- Advanced
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Evo in the News article
Time: 30 minutes
This news brief, from December 2011, describes how evolutionary history can factor into the success of a bone marrow transplant.
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Evolución 101
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Article
¿Qué es la evolución y cómo funciona? Introducción a la evolución ofrece información detallada y práctica sobre los patrones y los mecanismos de la evolución.
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Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
Resource type:
- Classroom activity
Time: One to three class periods
Students learn why evolution is at the heart of a world health threat by investigating the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance in such menacing diseases as tuberculosis.
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