Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- 13-16
- General
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Research profile
Time: 40 minutes
Wondering how global warming will affect our planet? Scientist Jennifer McElwain studies the fossil record in order to learn more about how global warming has affected life on Earth in the past and how it might affect life on Earth in the future.
- [History of life: Grades 9-12] Geological change and biological evolution are linked.
- [History of life: Grades 9-12] During the course of evolution, only a small percentage of species have survived until today.
- [History of life: Grades 9-12] Mass extinctions occur.
- [History of life: Grades 9-12] Extinction can result from environmental change.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 9-12] The fossil record provides evidence for evolution.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 9-12] The fossil record documents the biodiversity of the past.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 9-12] The fossil record documents patterns of extinction and the appearance of new forms.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 13-16] The fossil record provides evidence for evolution.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 13-16] The fossil record documents the biodiversity of the past.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 13-16] The fossil record documents patterns of extinction and the appearance of new forms.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] A hallmark of science is exposing ideas to testing. (P3, P4, P6, P7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence. (P6, NOS2)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists use multiple research methods (experiments, observational research, comparative research, and modeling) to collect data. (P2, P3, P4, NOS1)
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Scientists can test ideas about events and processes long past, very distant, and not directly observable.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] The real process of science is complex, iterative, and can take many different paths.
- [Nature of science: Grades 9-12] Science is a human endeavor. (NOS7)
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] A hallmark of science is exposing ideas to testing.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Scientists use multiple research methods (experiments, observational research, comparative research, and modeling) to collect data.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] The real process of science is complex, iterative, and can take many different paths.
- [Nature of science: Grades 13-16] Science is a human endeavor.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Our knowledge of the evolution of living things is always being refined as we gather more evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] Scientists use fossils (including sequences of fossils showing gradual change over time) to learn about past life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 9-12] As with other scientific disciplines, evolutionary biology has applications that factor into everyday life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Our knowledge of the evolution of living things is always being refined as we gather more evidence.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] Scientists use fossils (including sequences of fossils showing gradual change over time) to learn about past life.
- [Studying evolution: Grades 13-16] As with other scientific disciplines, evolutionary biology has applications that factor into everyday life, for example in agriculture, biodiversity and conservation biology, and medicine and health.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 1. Scientific investigations use a variety of methods.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 2. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence.
- NOS Matrix understanding category 7. Science is a human endeavor.
- Science and Engineering Practice 2. Developing and using models
- Science and Engineering Practice 4. Analyzing and interpreting data
- Science and Engineering Practice 6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
- Science and Engineering Practice 7. Engaging in argument from evidence
9-12 teaching tips:
This research profile includes discussion and essay questions that can be assigned to students. Get tips for using research profiles in your classroom.
13-16 teaching tips:
Use this resource after a general discussion of photosynthesis to relate evolutionary concepts to the topics of photosynthesis, plant structure, and climate change (or get more suggestions for incorporating evolution throughout your biology syllabus). This article would also make a nice contrast to a discussion of the KT mass extinction. This research profile includes discussion and essay questions that can be assigned to students. Get tips for using research profiles in your classroom.