Grade Level(s):
- 13-16
- Evo-Ed
Resource type:
- Case study
Time: One to two class periods
This case study in the form of a set of PowerPoint slides examines the evolution of the wrinkled pea from its ancestral round pea shape.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 13-16] Artificial selection provides a model for natural selection.
- [Evidence of evolution: Grades 13-16] People selectively breed domesticated plants and animals to produce offspring with preferred characteristics.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Evolution is often defined as a change in allele frequencies within a population.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] The Hardy-Weinberg equation describes expectations about the gene pool of a population that isn't evolving, that is large, mates randomly, doesn't experience mutation, natural selection, or gene flow.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] New heritable traits can result from mutations.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Mutation is a random process.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Organisms cannot intentionally produce adaptive mutations in response to environmental influences.
- [Mechanisms of evolution: Grades 13-16] Complex structures may be produced incrementally by the accumulation of smaller advantageous mutations.
There are no NGSS/DCI concepts currently linked to this resource.
This series of slides provides direct links to studies and data sets and integrates active learning strategies such as discussion questions and problem solving. Students could review the website or ppt slides before class and questions could be source of class discussion.
This exercise would be appropriate during or after the introduction of Mendelian genetics.